

其实自从去年开始处理IDA的各种插件开始,接触到很多非常不错的插件,但是很多的插件都是停留在5.0-5.5的状态,并且很多的插件没有提供源代码。像这种插件就只能任由他死去。而对于另外一些开放源代码的插件则可以通过简单的sdk的修正和一些简单的修复就可以重新编译出来支持IDA Pro 6.x以上的版本。而这一些使得代码能够有更长远的生命,也能够让更多的人用到这个东西。于是在无形中代码就变得更加长命。而由于多年以前代码的托管并不是十分方便,于是很多的代码并没有托管到第三方的开源代码服务器上,只能下载到压缩包。

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IDA Sync was written to allow multiple analysts to synchronize their reverse engineering efforts with IDA Pro in real time. Users connect to a central server through the ida_sync plugin. Once connected, all comments and name changes made with the registered hot keys are immediately transmitted to all other users working on the same project. The central server stores a copy of all changes as well, allowing new analysts to jump on the project and immediately receive up to date information.

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generate_disasm_line 以及 generate_disassembly

但从字面上也很容易理解这两个函数的意思,但是事实在实际使用的时候效果却并不是想要的那样。 sad

idaman int ida_export generate_disassembly(
                                // Generate disassembly (many lines)
                                // and put them into a buffer
                                // Returns number of generated lines
        ea_t ea,                // address to generate disassembly for
        char *lines[],          // buffer to hold pointer to generated lines
        int bufsize,            // size of buffer
        int *lnnum,             // number of "the most interesting" line
                                // may be NULL
        bool as_stack);         // Display undefined items as 2/4/8 bytes

idaman bool ida_export generate_disasm_line(
                                // Generate one line of disassembly
                                // This function discards all "non-interesting" lines
                                // It is designed to generate one-line desriptions
                                // of addresses for lists, etc.
        ea_t ea,                // address to generate disassembly for
        char *buf,              // pointer to the output buffer
        size_t bufsize,         // size of the output buffer
        int flags=0);
#define GENDSM_FORCE_CODE 1     // generate a disassembly line as if
                                // there is an instruction at 'ea'
#define GENDSM_MULTI_LINE 2     // if the instruction consists of several lines,
                                // produce all of them (useful for parallel instructions)
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               "   */   return  k-                -1+   /*\'   '-`*/
                     (   -/*}/   */0x01        );       {;{    }}
                            ;           /*^w^*/        ;}
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