PEBrowseDbg64 Interactive v2.9.0

PEBrowse Professional Interactive and PEBrowseDbg64 Interactive build upon the framework presented by PEBrowse Professional to create very powerful, versatile, and customizable Win32 and Win64 user mode debuggers/disassemblers, respectively. PEBrowse Interactive is not a source code debugger, but operates at the Intel x86 instruction level and therefore at the lowest level where your program executes. The debugger fully supports Microsoft .NET managed processes and seamlessly allows interop or mixed-mode debugging. PEBrowseDbg64 Interactive is an x64 native-code debugger that fully supports 32 and 64-bit .NET programs, includes using pre-JITted metadata to set breakpoints and steps through .NET thunks. PEBrowse Interactive can be set as the startup debugger using the system registry Image File Execution Options key – useful for debugging ASP.NET applications.

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三星I9100G GALAXY SII 图标消失

话说有一天重启设备之后,忽然发现桌面上的图标没了。不但如此,连程序列表里面的软件和图标都没了。重启了一下手机就又出来了。结果今天又遇到了这样的情况。话说在没有安装32g的存储卡之前没这个情况,初步断定和存储卡的扫描有关,如果在设备启动过程中显示还在扫描存储卡。那么此时操作很可能会导致桌面图标消失。这个不知道是Android的bug还是三星的bug。不过知道了问题解决也就简单了,启动过程尽量不要操作,等手机完全启动完成扫描之后再操作就不会出现这个问题了。并且连着数据线启动也可能会让桌面图标消失, 8)

Android Game Cheate Engine

话说换了手机之后自然会装点游戏什么的在里面,以前在ipad上玩过Let’s Golf! 3 HD,个人感觉还是比较耐玩的一款游戏,于是又下载了android版本的装了上去。但是很不幸的是发现玩到后面竟然没有能力点继续玩了,每天只给分配5个能力点。

这让俺情何以堪啊,玩游戏都不能尽兴啊。刚开始的想法是直接将游戏复制出来修改。但是后来搜索的时候偶然搜到了这么一篇文章,里面提到了一个GameCIH(CheatIng Hacker)的东东。 首先要说明的是如果要用这个东东需要有root权限,如果你的设备没有越狱,那就只能眼睁睁的看着啦。木有什么好办法啊。

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IDA failed to display the program in graph mode

Usually via the graph mode we can clearly see what and how the subroutine did,however lucky is not all the time with us,u may get an error message like above.

This error is mostly caused by fallow reasons:

1. there are to much nods that ida can’t change to graph mod,now here is no solution to fix this error

2.the current cursor pos is at a position that ida can’t recognize them as functions

3. a sp-anylized failure happened .

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VS2010 + IDASDK6.2搭建IDA Plugin开发环境


  1. 执行菜单的File->New->Project… (Ctrl-Shift-N)打开新建工程窗口。
  2. 展开左侧的Visual C++项目模板分支,然后选择右侧的Win32 Project条目,输入工程名称,然后点击确定。

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