WordPress 主题 图片自适应宽度


.obaby-article img, img.obaby-article, .obaby-block img, .obaby-footer img
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.obaby-article img
    margin:5px 0 0 0;

img.obaby-article, .obaby-block img, .obaby-footer img
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   border-width: 0;
   margin: 7px 7px 7px 7px;


其实出现这个情况主要是Artisteer 3创建的主题的css代码的兼容性有问题。这个东西花了这么多钱买了发现很多的东西还要自己修正,这也够蛋疼的。 😎

p img {
 padding: 0;
 max-width: 100%;
 width: 450px;

最后一句是为了兼容ie,但是这行兼容代码让笑脸符号在opera下变成了一张饼。 :8

蛋疼的Mac OS虚拟机和xcode 4.2


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               "   */   return  k-                -1+   /*\'   '-`*/
                     (   -/*}/   */0x01        );       {;{    }}
                            ;           /*^w^*/        ;}
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OSX and iOS Kernel Programming


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Interactive Delphi Reconstructor 2.5.3 Beta

IDR (Interactive Delphi Reconstructor) – a decompiler of executable files (EXE) and dynamic libraries (DLL), written in Delphi and executed in Windows32 environment.

The program firstly is intended for the companies, engaged by development of anti-virus software. It can also help programmers to recover lost source code of programs appreciably.

The current version of the program can process files (GUI and console applications), compiled by Delphi compilers of versions Delphi2 – Delphi2010.

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